

OCD and Judgement

It’s hard to understand people these days. They are concerned with stuff that's none of their business. They are not concerned with massive global problems, but what bothers them is how many times I freaking wash my hands. I mean, seriously? Have some patience, dawg.

I don’t get easily offended or angry. But when someone acts like a “tough guy” telling me, “You wash your hands a lot,” I won’t say it but… why are you watching me wash my hands in the first place? You need help. Just… go away. Creep.

Anyways, if you know someone who washes their hands a lot, never ever try to talk to them about it. Because nothing will make them angrier than you asking them about it. It doesn’t matter how much you care about them. You making them feel weak won’t help. At least that’s what they think you think of them. They don’t like washing their hands too much either, but there will be a time they will get over it.